My Qualifications

Training for NHB Course Instructors: Only individuals who have at least three years of experience in handling dogs are eligible to be NHB trainers.

The training must include the following:

  • Legal foundations concerning the animal welfare-compliant handling of dogs and the training of dogs and their owners.
  • Species-specific needs, breed-specific uses, social behavior, feeding, and zoonoses (diseases transmissible from animals to humans) of dogs.
  • Learning behavior in dogs, animal welfare-compliant handling of dogs, the corresponding training methods, and proper and safe handling of a dog.
  • Basic knowledge in lesson planning and designing,
  • Course administration and organization,
  • Teaching methodology/didactics, creating presentations,
  • Applied learning psychology, communication, and rhetoric.
  • The minimum duration of the training is 140 lessons (theory and practice). The training must be completed with an exam.
  • NHB professionals are required to attend one day of further training per year with the responsible training organization.

img107jpg Certodog HIK-1 certification (
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 SKN-Trainer certification Certodog (

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Welpenkursleiter / Puppy Course Instructor certification Certodog
Certodog Welpenkursleiter_Page_1jpeg
SVEB 1 certified instructor (Swiss Federation for Adult Learning)
SVEB 1_Page_1png

Zero to CD Program Hannah Brannigan (currently enrolled)

Karen Pryor Academy (
   Puppy Start Right for Instructors

Leerburg Online University Courses: (

  Courses by Forrest Micke:

                       Teaching Engagement Skills

                       The Heeler's Toolbox / Beginner

  Courses by Mark Keating

                  Functional Play Development "The Rules of Play"

                  Relationship Games

             Courses by Joshua Moran

                  Small Dogmanship - Success for your Small Dog

 Ultimate Agility Online Courses: (

                             Ultimate Reinforcement

                             Ultimate Foundation                      

 More than 25 years experience in adult education (English teaching, time  management and organization, dog training)


Before attending your first session please watch:
Short but Important Videos of my Training Philosophy and Methods